Saturday, January 23, 2016


Welcome to Prepare for Computing

This fun computer course will introduce you to computing skills to help you explore your personal interests or reach your study and employment goals. The Prepare for computing course includes a skill set of 5 computing units.

We will be discovering Google apps, using free web applications to search the internet, send email, create documents, and create presentations while using emerging technology; including: Gmail, Blogger, Google Drive, Docs, Slides, Maps, Earth, Chrome and Google Search.

Learning includes turning on and shutting down a personal computer, to understanding the cost and availability to access computers. Exploring the internet will include, searching for information, the conditions of use of the internet, copyright, privacy and security issues. You will search for online information, create documents and print your final products.

By the end of the course you should be able to: identify features and use of emerging technology; recognise key computer terminology (computer hardware and software); read and interpret print and online instructions to access and use technology; use an iPad and a variety of web applications.

During the course you will have access to various resources to support you learning. Your teacher will provide computer instruction, demonstrations, as well as individual and group assistance, along with class discussions to support your learning.

Learning resources 

  • An Introduction guide outlining important course and student information.
  • An Assessment Guide outing assessment tasks and assessment information.
  • Learning guide 1 with access a personal computer and prepare to use the internet information.
  • Learning guide 2 with Google applications information.
  • Learning guide 3 with Emerging technology information.

The above resources will assist with developing your computer skills, and transfer of your skills and knowledge to use within your own experiences outside of the classroom.

Continuing Pathway

If you are eager to further enhance and extend your computing skills and knowledge a ***Computing course in available (Certificate I in Information, Digital Media and Technology). This course is of 9 weeks duration and is delivered Monday, Tuesdays and Fridays each term.